banner coming soon Real Name: Karrie
Birthday: February 28
Gender: GIRLY
Location: --------
Old mm.com name: MNINM14
RLB name: MNINM14
Finckese~Robonics User: Yesireebob
Hundreds Claimed:
(in the Finckinator)
2200, 2400, 3900
Robinette Factoid: A devoted Trentite for years, she visited us after the Robin Love had already begun and decided she wanted to take part! Always there to spread the Robin Love in **all** of our threads. In fact, along with krypto and I (i believe), she helped bring about the FIRST EVER band Section ROBIN INVASION!

Here's how MNINM14 answered the questions on the old skool Robin Love Form:

Why On Earth Are You A Robinette:
Do you even have to ask? Well since you did, I have been put on this earth to spread the love of my leader(ROBIN LOVE!) All you have to do is look at this beautiful creature and you will understand.
Have you ever started a thread about Robin Finck on a message board *not* dedicated to nine inch nails or guns n' roses?
Yes, numerous times
Have you ever posted in the big Robin Folder over at mm.com?
Have you read the big Robin Folder at mm.com?
YES, every last stincking post!
Have you ever had any sort of personal experience with our man, ROBIN?
Unfortunatly no......Although we will soon...and he will love us for taking him away!
Last Minute Plea:
(none entered)

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